If you have kids in school, back-to-school is like New Years Eve, but without the champagne toast and a kiss. There's shopping for clothes, hair cuts, school supplies and the chance to start off the year right. For mom's/dad's it's a second shot at getting organized and finishing what you meant to get done that's been lingering since January.

It's a great time of year, where kids are refreshed and almost excited to get back to school. In fact some kids get a little bored towards the end and are even ready to go back to school. Ahhh...how i sometimes long for the days when time stood still. What I wouldn't give to have some of that back! But then I remember
I would have to do high school again!

Let's get back to the being organized before I digress and forget what this blog is about, BACK -to SCHOOL resolutions; paper solutions.

The obvious one is finding easy ways to stay on top of your game and your kids social schedules.

Back-to-school usually means alot of birthdays parties for your kids. Instead of buying birthday cards, an easy solution is to buy each kid a set of "gift stickers" that say "a gift from Charlie". You slap them on the present and you are good to go.

These stickers can also be used on your kids school supplies. It's a great way to label them so they can come home with there stuff. You could say something as simple as "This book belongs to Zoe" or "Lost and Found? Call Ethan at 310.555.1212" or "Henry's Stuff!"

Another idea is to order personalized stationery for the family. It's great if you need to write a quite note to teachers, other parents, principal or nurse. In the rush of our lives, even if you forget to sign it, it will have your name on it, so they'll know who it came from. it might be nice to order everyone there own set as well. With the holidays not too far aound the corner everyone will be ready to write there thank you notes and it's one less thing to worry about in December.

Also personalized calling cards or family business cards are great for your kids to exchange info with their new friends and for parents to exchange with other parents. This way your never need to locate a pen and paper.

If you are planning on doing family holiday cards, now is a great time to think about your photo and even get one taken. New clothes, fresh haircut even a suntan may get everyone excited. Come November everyone is a little more worn down, busy and stressed.

Planning now through the end of year will help free up some extra time for play or even a massage. It's true plans always change especially with kids, but it'll be easier to handle if you aren't scrambling.

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